Hello, followers of my blog (though I sort of doubt I still have any, as I have not blogged in a while), and Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has had a good time visiting relatives, caroling, and just. plain. having. a. good. time.!
Like this dog!
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
All of the following pics are from http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/Pictures_of_Kittens_226_2007.php.
"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...butterfly?"
"Ohh, look how high I can jump!"
"I hope that dog goes away soon!"
"I gotta get that bug! I gotta get that bug!"
"I wonder what's over here?"
"Grab my paw! I'll help you up!"
"Ooo! Yummy fish!"
"One paw in front of the other..."
"It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...butterfly?"
"Ohh, look how high I can jump!"
"I hope that dog goes away soon!"
"I gotta get that bug! I gotta get that bug!"
"I wonder what's over here?"
"Grab my paw! I'll help you up!"
"Ooo! Yummy fish!"
"One paw in front of the other..."
"How am I supposed to climb this thing?"
"Look at me! I could be in the circus!"
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Who liked the video link to http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/speciesprofile/deciduousforest.html?
If you have not seen it, you really have to. I mentioned it earlier in a post...
If you have seen it, tell me how you liked it! (then I will know if I should post another video link on my blog)!
Please tell me on comments.
P.S. All rights reserved to www.thewildclassroom.com! I did nothing!
If you have not seen it, you really have to. I mentioned it earlier in a post...
If you have seen it, tell me how you liked it! (then I will know if I should post another video link on my blog)!
Please tell me on comments.
P.S. All rights reserved to www.thewildclassroom.com! I did nothing!
BIG NEWS!!!!!!
Okay, everyone... I have HUGE news!
It's called...
You read right, people! We got a calico kitten. We found her in the road by our house.
We don't know exactly how old she is, but she is somewhere between 10 and 12 weeks.
It's a girl, and we named her Autumn.
Sadly, she is very shy and we practically have to chase her down to be able to hold her, but her trust is building every day.
Autumn is my sister Katy's pride and joy (and I am not even kidding!)
I will try to post pics later.
It's called...
You read right, people! We got a calico kitten. We found her in the road by our house.
We don't know exactly how old she is, but she is somewhere between 10 and 12 weeks.
It's a girl, and we named her Autumn.
Sadly, she is very shy and we practically have to chase her down to be able to hold her, but her trust is building every day.
Autumn is my sister Katy's pride and joy (and I am not even kidding!)
I will try to post pics later.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Check this out!!!!
Go to http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/speciesprofile/deciduousforest.html!!!!!!!!
It has the most AMAZING video of...
Well, you will just have to find out, right?
It has the most AMAZING video of...
Well, you will just have to find out, right?
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Okay, fellow lovers of animals, I'm really, really, really sorry, but Animal of the Week is really not working for me. You have seen how I've been forgetting to do it, and in my every-day lifestyle it is not working out. I'm going to save all of the Animal of the Week posts, and, just so you guys know, all of the information about the animals came from National Geographic.com. I wasn't trying to hide that from you, all the times I posted them, but I always forgot to do it, or I didn't even think of it.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Animal of the week fun!
Giraffes, the tallest mammals on Earth, roam the African savanna in constant search for food, like treetop acacia buds.
Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humans—about 6 feet (1.8 meters). These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles (56 kilometers) an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles (16 kilometers) an hour over longer distances.Typically, these fascinating animals roam the open grasslands in small groups of about half a dozen.Bulls sometimes battle one another by butting their long necks and heads. Such contests aren't usually dangerous and end when one animal submits and walks away.Giraffes use their height to good advantage and browse on leaves and buds in treetops that few other animals can reach (acacias are a favorite). Even the giraffe's tongue is long! The 21-inch (53-centimeter) tongue helps them pluck tasty morsels from branches. Giraffes eat most of the time and, like cows, regurgitate food and chew it as cud. A giraffe eats hundreds of pounds of leaves each week and must travel miles to find enough food.The giraffe's height also helps it to keep a sharp lookout for predators across the wide expanse of the African savanna.The giraffe's stature can be a disadvantage as well—it is difficult and dangerous for a giraffe to drink at a water hole. To do so they must spread their legs and bend down in an awkward position that makes them vulnerable to predators like Africa's big cats. Giraffes only need to drink once every several days; they get most of their water from the luscious plants they eat.Female giraffes give birth standing up. Their young endure a rather rude welcome into the world by falling more than 5 feet (1.5 meters) to the ground at birth. These infants can stand in half an hour and run with their mothers an incredible ten hours after birth.Giraffes have beautiful spotted coats. While no two individuals have exactly the same pattern, giraffes from the same area appear similar.
Fast Facts Type: Mammal. Diet: Herbivore. Average life span in the wild: 25 years. Size:14 to 19 ft (4 to 6 m)Weight:1,750 to 2,800 lbs (794 to 1,270 kg)Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
This information is from National Geographic.com
Animal of the week
I am starting something called Animal of the Week. Every week I will post information about that animal and,(If you happen to look at the slideshow located on the sidebar it will have pictures of that certain animal.) I will also have a picture with the post. You may have to look more than once a week for that animal because I am not going to post the post on a certain date or anything. I will just do the post whenever I can.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Animal of the Week Fun!
The lynx is a solitary cat that haunts the remote northern forests of North America, Europe, and Asia. Lynx are covered with beautiful thick fur that keeps them warm during frigid winters. Their large paws are also furry and hit the ground with a spreading toe motion that makes them function as natural snowshoes.
These stealthy cats avoid humans and hunt at night, so they are rarely seen.
There are several species of lynx. Few survive in Europe but those that do, like their Asian relatives, are typically larger than their North American counterpart, the Canada lynx.
All lynx are skilled hunters that make use of great hearing (the tufts on their ears are a hearing aid) and eyesight so strong that a lynx can spot a mouse 250 feet (75 meters) away.
Canada lynx eat mice, squirrels, and birds, but prefer the snowshoe hare. The lynx are so dependent on this prey that their populations fluctuate with a periodic plunge in snowshoe hare numbers that occurs about every ten years. Bigger Eurasian lynx hunt deer and other larger prey in addition to small animals.
Lynx mate in early spring or late winter. About two months later, females give birth to a litter of one to four young.
Humans sometimes hunt lynx for their beautiful fur. One endangered population, the Iberian lynx, struggles to survive in the mountains of Spain, far from the cold northern forests where most lynx live.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Mammal
- Diet:
- Carnivore
- Size:
- Head and body, 32 to 40 in (80 to 100 cm); Tail, 4 to 8 in (10 to 20 cm)
- Weight:
- 22 to 44 lbs (10 to 20 kg)
- Protection status:
- Threatened
- Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
P.S. Sorry this post is late!
Monday, August 20, 2012
I know I probably am going to post this to an visitor-less home page - I don't really blame you, by the way.
Okay, so our family has moved, and in a house with four kids, we get busy. I know that is hardly an excuse, but please, please, PLEASE give me another chance. I will try to do Animal of the Week on Friday, but I will just have to wait and see what happens. Here is a list of events that has happened since June 16th, the day I posted last.
I'll post very soon!!
Okay, so our family has moved, and in a house with four kids, we get busy. I know that is hardly an excuse, but please, please, PLEASE give me another chance. I will try to do Animal of the Week on Friday, but I will just have to wait and see what happens. Here is a list of events that has happened since June 16th, the day I posted last.
- Ana has turned three years old (She's officially a big girl now),
- Katy has turned thirteen years old,
- Our family has moved into a two-story house with a pool. (Trust me, after living with three siblings and my parents in a three-bed roomed rent house, it's awesome!)
- Caleb is ten months right now, and sooo cute!
I'll post very soon!!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Animal of the Week Fun!
A subspecies of the larger coastal brown bear, the grizzly bear gets its name from the grayish, or grizzled, tips of its fur.
These awe-inspiring giants tend to be solitary animals—with the exception of females and their cubs—but at times they do congregate. Dramatic gatherings of grizzly bears can be seen at prime Alaskan fishing spots when the salmon run upstream for summer spawning. In this season, dozens of bears may gather to feast on the fish, craving fats that will sustain them through the long winter ahead.
Brown bears dig dens for winter hibernation, often holing up in a suitable-looking hillside. Females give birth during this winter rest and their offspring are often twins.
Grizzly bears are powerful, top-of-the-food-chain predators, yet much of their diet consists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves, and roots. Bears also eat other animals, from rodents to moose.
Grizzlies are typically brown, though their fur can appear to be white-tipped, or grizzled, lending them their traditional name.
Despite their impressive size, grizzlies are quite fast and have been clocked at 30 miles (48 kilometers) an hour. They can be dangerous to humans, particularly if surprised or if humans come between a mother and her cubs.
Grizzlies once lived in much of western North America and even roamed the Great Plains. European settlement gradually eliminated the bears from much of this range, and today only about 1,000 grizzlies remain in the continental U.S., where they are protected by law. Many grizzlies still roam the wilds of Canada and Alaska, where hunters pursue them as big game trophies.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Mammal
- Diet:
- Omnivore
- Average life span in the wild:
- 25 years
- Size:
- 5 to 8 ft (1.5 to 2.5 m)
- Weight:
- 800 lbs (363 kg)
- Protection status:
- Threatened
- Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Monday, June 11, 2012
Animal of the Week fun!
Nile crocodiles are the largest crocodilians in Africa, sometimes reaching 20 feet (6 meters) long.
The Nile crocodile has a somewhat deserved reputation as a vicious man-eater. The proximity of much of its habitat to people means run-ins are frequent. And its virtually indiscriminate diet means a villager washing clothes by a riverbank might look just as tasty as a migrating wildebeest. Firm numbers are sketchy, but estimates are that up to 200 people may die each year in the jaws of a Nile croc.
Africa's largest crocodilian, these primordial brutes reach a maximum size of about 20 feet (6 meters) and can weigh up to 1,650 pounds (730 kilograms). Average sizes, though, are more in the range of 16 feet (5 meters) and 500 pounds (225 kilograms). They live throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Basin, and Madagascar in rivers, freshwater marshes, and mangrove swamps.
The diet of the Nile crocodile is mainly fish, but it will attack almost anything unfortunate enough to cross its path, including zebras, small hippos, porcupines, birds, and other crocodiles. It will also scavenge carrion, and can eat up to half its body weight at a feeding.
One unusual characteristic of this fearsome predator is its caring nature as a parent. Where most reptiles lay their eggs and move on, mother and father Nile crocs ferociously guard their nests until the eggs hatch, and they will often roll the eggs gently in their mouths to help hatching babies emerge.
Hunted close to extinction in the 1940s through the 1960s, local and international protections have helped them rebound in most areas. In some regions, though, pollution, hunting, and habitat loss have severely depleted their numbers.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Reptile
- Diet:
- Carnivore
- Average life span in the wild:
- 45 years (est.)
- Size:
- 16 ft (5 m)
- Weight:
- 500 lbs (225 kg)
- Group name:
- Bask (on land) or float (in water)
- Did you know?
- Mummified crocodiles and crocodile eggs have been discovered in Egyptian tombs.
- Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Oh. My. Goodness.
I want to reach into these pictures and just pull out these angels and keep them forever!!! But, maybe the Fairy God-Panther, the one I talked about in Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, located in older posts. Maybe she can turn into a kitten-and-puppy godmother...just maybe...
I want to reach into these pictures and just pull out these angels and keep them forever!!! But, maybe the Fairy God-Panther, the one I talked about in Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, located in older posts. Maybe she can turn into a kitten-and-puppy godmother...just maybe...
Animal of the Week fun!
Plastic versions notwithstanding, the vibrant pink greater flamingo is found throughout the world in warm, waterside regions.
These famous pink birds can be found in warm, watery regions on many continents. They favor environments like estuaries and saline or alkaline lakes. Considering their appearance, flamingos are surprisingly fluid swimmers, but really thrive on the extensive mud flats where they breed and feed.
Greater flamingos are likely to be the only tall, pink bird in any given locale. They also have long, lean, curved necks and black-tipped bills with a distinctive downward bend.
Their bent bills allow them to feed on small organisms—plankton, tiny fish, fly larvae, and the like. In muddy flats or shallow water, they use their long legs and webbed feet to stir up the bottom. They then bury their bills, or even their entire heads, and suck up both mud and water to access the tasty morsels within. A flamingo's beak has a filterlike structure to remove food from the water before the liquid is expelled.
Shrimplike crustaceans are responsible for the flamingo's pink color. The birds pale in captivity unless their diet is supplemented.
Greater flamingos live and feed in groups called flocks or colonies. They find safety in numbers, which helps to protect individual birds from predators while their heads are down in the mud. Greater flamingos also breed while gathered in groups. Once mating is complete, a pair takes turns incubating their single egg. Young flamingos are born gray and white and do not turn pink for two years. In years when wetlands and pools are dry and food scarce, flamingoes may not breed.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Bird
- Diet:
- Omnivore
- Size:
- 36 to 50 in (91 to 127 cm); Wingspan, 60 in (152 cm)
- Weight:
- 8.75 lbs (4 kg)
- Group name:
- Colony
- Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Animal of the week fun!
The red kangaroo is the world's largest marsupial. Females have one baby at a time, which at birth is smaller than a cherry. The infant immediately climbs into its mother's pouch and does not emerge for two months. Until they reach about eight months of age, threatened young kangaroos, called joeys, will quickly dive for the safety of mom's pouch. As they grow, joeys' heads and feet can often be seen hanging out of the pouch.
Red kangaroos hop along on their powerful hind legs and do so at great speed. A red kangaroo can reach speeds of over 35 miles (56 kilometers) an hour. Their bounding gate allows them to cover 25 feet (8 meters) in a single leap and to jump 6 feet (1.8 meters) high.
Female red kangaroos are smaller, lighter, and faster than males. They also boast a blue-hued coat, so many Australians call them "blue fliers."
Larger male kangaroos are powerfully built. Like many species, male kangaroos sometimes fight over potential mates. They often lean back on their sturdy tail and "box" each other with their strong hind legs. Kangaroos can also bite and wield sharp claws, which they may do in battle with an enemy like a dingo.
Red kangaroos live in Australia's deserts and open grasslands, gathering in groups called mobs. Aboriginal and European Australians have spent centuries clearing open tracts of land and establishing water sources—both of which are boons to kangaroo populations. Many millions of these animals roam Australia, and considerable numbers are killed each year for their skins and meat, which is becoming a more popular human food.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Mammal
- Diet:
- Herbivore
- Average life span in the wild:
- Up to 23 years
- Size:
- Head and body, 3.25 to 5.25 ft (1 to 1.6 m); tail, 35.5 to 43.5 in (90 to 110 cm)
- Weight:
- 200 lbs (90 kg)
- Group name:
- Mob
- Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
- Sorry about animal of the week the last couple of weeks!!!! :1
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Animal of the Week Fun!
An Australian king parrot
The parrots are a broad order of more than 350 birds. Macaws, Amazons, lorikeets, lovebirds, cockatoos and many others are all considered parrots.
Though there is great diversity among these birds, there are similarities as well. All parrots have curved beaks and all are zygodactyls, meaning they have four toes on each foot, two pointing forward and two projecting backward. Most parrots eat fruit, flowers, buds, nuts, seeds, and some small creatures such as insects.
Parrots are found in warm climates all over most of the world. The greatest diversities exist in Australasia, Central America, and South America.
Many parrots are kept as pets, especially macaws, Amazon parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, and cockatoos. These birds have been popular companions throughout history because they are intelligent, charismatic, colorful, and musical. Some birds can imitate many nonavian sounds, including human speech. The male African gray parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is the most accomplished user of human speech in the animal world; this rain forest-dweller is an uncanny mimic.
Currently the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) bans the sale of any wild-caught species, yet the parrots' popularity continues to drive illegal trade.
Some parrot species are highly endangered. In other cases, once tame birds have reproduced in the wild and established thriving feral populations in foreign ecosystems. The monk (green) parakeet, for example, now lives in several U.S. states.
Fast Facts
- Type:
- Bird
- Diet:
- Omnivore
- Average life span in the wild:
- Up to 80 years
- Size:
- 3.5 in (8.7cm) to 40 in (100 cm)
- Weight:
- 2.25 oz (65 g) to 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
- Size relative to a tea cup:
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Animal of the week fun!
This highly variable city pigeon is familiar to all urban dwellers. Multicolored birds were developed over centuries of near domestication. Polytypic (12 ssp.; nominate in North America.). Length 12.5" (32 cm).
Identification A medium-size compact pigeon with long wings and a short tail. Birds most closely resembling their wild ancestors are gray with head and neck darker than back, and a prominent white rump. Black tips on the greater coverts and secondaries form bold black bars on inner wing, and there is a broad black terminal band on the tail. Adult male: metallic green and purple iridescence on the neck and breast; iris orange to red; orbital skin blue-gray; bill grayish black; and feet dark red. Adult female: like male, but iridescence on neck and breast more restricted and subdued. Juvenile: generally browner, lacks iridescence; orbital skin and feet gray.
Voice Call: a soft coo-cuk-cuk-cuk-cooo.
Status and Distribution The rock pigeon was introduced from Europe by early settlers; it is now widespread and common throughout the United States and southern Canada, particularly in urban settings. Gregarious and forming large flocks, it feeds on handouts and grains during the day in city parks and open fields; roosts on buildings at night. Flocks or otherwise displaced pigeons can be found far from civilization. Breeding: nest is loosely constructed of twigs and leaves, primarily on structures such as window ledges, bridges, and in barns; has 2 white eggs.
Population Primarily associated with human development and dependent on people for food and shelter.
(Sorry for the hold-up on Animal of the Week the last couple of weeks.)
Identification A medium-size compact pigeon with long wings and a short tail. Birds most closely resembling their wild ancestors are gray with head and neck darker than back, and a prominent white rump. Black tips on the greater coverts and secondaries form bold black bars on inner wing, and there is a broad black terminal band on the tail. Adult male: metallic green and purple iridescence on the neck and breast; iris orange to red; orbital skin blue-gray; bill grayish black; and feet dark red. Adult female: like male, but iridescence on neck and breast more restricted and subdued. Juvenile: generally browner, lacks iridescence; orbital skin and feet gray.
Voice Call: a soft coo-cuk-cuk-cuk-cooo.
Status and Distribution The rock pigeon was introduced from Europe by early settlers; it is now widespread and common throughout the United States and southern Canada, particularly in urban settings. Gregarious and forming large flocks, it feeds on handouts and grains during the day in city parks and open fields; roosts on buildings at night. Flocks or otherwise displaced pigeons can be found far from civilization. Breeding: nest is loosely constructed of twigs and leaves, primarily on structures such as window ledges, bridges, and in barns; has 2 white eggs.
Population Primarily associated with human development and dependent on people for food and shelter.
(Sorry for the hold-up on Animal of the Week the last couple of weeks.)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Animal of the week fun!
This large, pudgy mammal is a marsupial, or pouched animal, found in Australia and on scattered islands nearby. Like other marsupials, wombats give birth to tiny, undeveloped young that crawl into pouches on their mothers' bellies. A wombat baby remains in its mother's pouch for about five months before emerging. Even after it leaves the pouch, the young animal will frequently crawl back in to nurse or to escape danger. By about seven months of age, a young wombat can care for itself.Wombats use their claws to dig burrows in open grasslands and eucalyptus forests. They live in these burrows, which can become extensive tunnel-and-chamber complexes. Common wombats are solitary and inhabit their own burrows, while other species may be more social and live together in larger burrow groups called colonies.Wombats are nocturnal and emerge to feed at night on grasses, roots, and bark. They have rodentlike incisors that never stop growing and are gnawed down on some of their tougher vegetarian fare.The field and pasture damage caused by wombat burrowing can be a destructive nuisance to ranchers and farmers. Wombats have been hunted for this behavior, as well as for their fur and simply for sport. Some species (the northern hairy-nosed wombats) are now critically endangered, while others (the common or coarse-haired wombat) are still hunted as vermin. Space for all wombats is at a premium as farm and ranch lands increasingly replace natural space.
Fast Facts
Type:MammalDiet:HerbivoreSize:28 to 47 in (71 to 119 cm)Weight:32 to 80 lbs (15 to 36 kg)Group name:Mob or ColonySize relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Woof! Woof!
Come see me and all my doggy and kitty friends at: http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/gal1100/2/flower-cats-cute-dogs
We'll be waiting for you! See you then!
The Daffodil
The Daffodil
Animal of the week fun!
An armadillo roots around the forest floor in search of food. Armadillos have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell and long claws for digging.
Of the 20 varieties of armadillo, all but one live in Latin America. The familiar nine-banded armadillo is the only species that includes the United States in its range.Armadillo is a Spanish word meaning “little armored one” and refers to the bony plates that cover the back, head, legs, and tail of most of these odd looking creatures. Armadillos are the only living mammals that wear such shells.Closely related to anteaters and sloths, armadillos generally have a pointy or shovel-shaped snout and small eyes. They vary widely in size and color, from the 6-inch-long (15-centimeter-long), salmon-colored pink fairy armadillo to the 5-foot-long (1.5-meter-long), dark-brown giant armadillos. Others have black, red, gray, or yellowish coloring.Contrary to popular belief, not all armadillos are able to encase themselves in their shells. In fact, only the three-banded armadillo can, curling its head and back feet and contorting its shell into a hard ball that confounds would-be predators.Armadillos live in temperate and warm habitats, including rain forests, grasslands, and semi-deserts. Because of their low metabolic rate and lack of fat stores, cold is their enemy, and spates of intemperate weather can wipe out whole populations.Most species dig burrows and sleep prolifically, up to 16 hours per day, foraging in the early morning and evening for beetles, ants, termites, and other insects. They have very poor eyesight, and utilize their keen sense of smell to hunt. Strong legs and huge front claws are used for digging, and long, sticky tongues for extracting ants and termites from their tunnels. In addition to bugs, armadillos eat small vertebrates, plants, and some fruit, as well as the occasional carrion meal.Population numbers of nearly all species are threatened by habitat loss and over-hunting. Many cultures in the Americas consume armadillo flesh, which is said to resemble pork in its flavor and texture. Currently, only the nine-band population is expanding, and some species, including the pink fairy, are threatened.
Fast Facts
Type: Mammal. Diet: Omnivore. Average life span in captivity: 12 to 15 years. Size: 5 to 59 in (13 to 150 cm) Weight: 3 oz to 120 lbs (85 g to 54 kg) Protection status: Threatened. Did you know?The nine-banded armadillo’s hapless propensity for being run over by cars has earned it the nickname “Hillbilly Speed Bump.”Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Animal of the week fun!
Opossums are excellent tree climbers and spend much of their time aloft.
There are more than 60 different species of opossum, which are often called possums. The most notable is the Virginia opossum or common opossum—the only marsupial (pouched mammal) found in the United States and Canada.A female opossum gives birth to helpless young as tiny as honeybees. Babies immediately crawl into the mother's pouch, where they continue to develop. As they get larger, they will go in and out of the pouch and sometimes ride on the mother's back as she hunts for food. Opossums may give birth to as many as 20 babies in a litter, but fewer than half of them survive. Some never even make it as far as the pouch.Opossums are scavengers, and they often visit human homes or settlements to raid garbage cans, dumpsters, and other containers. They are attracted to carrion and can often be spotted near roadkill. Opossums also eat grass, nuts, and fruit. They will hunt mice, birds, insects, worms, snakes, and even chickens.These animals are most famous for "playing possum." When threatened by dogs, foxes, or bobcats, opossums sometimes flop onto their sides and lie on the ground with their eyes closed or staring fixedly into space. They extend their tongues and generally appear to be dead. This ploy may put a predator off its guard and allow the opossum an opportunity to make its escape.Opossums are excellent tree climbers and spend much of their time aloft. They are aided in this by sharp claws, which dig into bark, and by a long prehensile (gripping) tail that can be used as an extra limb. Opossums nest in tree holes or in dens made by other animals.These animals are widespread and are sometimes hunted as food, particularly in the southern United States.
Fast Facts
Type: Mammal. Diet: Omnivore. Size: Length from nose to tail, 2.5 ft (76 cm) Weight:8.8 to 13.2 lb (4 to 6 kg)Group name: Passel. Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Kittens in the flowers... A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.
All of these photos come from, http://www.warrenphotographic.co.uk/gal1100/1/flower-cats-cute-dogs, They also have puppies... If you want to see more awesomely cute kits and pups, go there, like immediately! I mean it! NOW! You will practically faint at the sight of these sweethearts.
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